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Show #3437 - 91 APHA AMH4 Amateur Mares All Ages
- 6 (6 total) Entries -
Back# Horse Name Exhibitor Owner(s)
178Zips Spirit Of LLChipIlka Dirks
Berumbur, GM Germany
Ilka Dirks
Berumbur, GM Germany
195She A HeartbreakerSabine Bolbach
Bargteheide, GM Germany
Sabine Bolbach
Bargteheide, GM Germany
325Moonshine PaintADreamKristina Koelln
Oldenburg, GM Germany
Kristina Koelln
Oldenburg, GM Germany
336Luvah Starry NightHeike Rudolph-Lasner
Meppen, GM Germany
Heike Rudolph-Lasner
Meppen, GM Germany
339RK Ultimate SupriseMike Schuppener
Bad Laasphe, GM Germany
Friedhelm Schuppener
Bad Laasphe, Germany
345Sheza Hot Sweet ChipConrad Feld
Memmingen, GM Germany
Angelika Feld
Memmingen, GM Germany

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